Emily Brunick

Massage Therapist

Em Brunick is a licensed massage therapist, dancer, farmer and resident of Portland, Maine. Em embarked on a journey of studying the connection between the body and mind while earning her Bachelor‘s degree in Exercise and Movement Science at The University of Vermont. It was during her internships with local gyms and wellness facilities in Vermont and Maine that she was introduced to the transformative power of massage therapy for athletic recovery. 

Upon completing her massage therapy certification program, she found a home at Hara Holistic Bodycenter in Portland, where she honed her skills as a massage therapist. Through her practice, Em developed a greater understanding of not only the importance of flexibility and strength, but also a balanced lifestyle to support optimal tissue health. She now happily splits her time between getting strong at The Form Lab, offering massage therapy sessions and managing a flower farm in Cape Elizabeth. She believes in holding space for people, encouraging them to slow down, disconnect from the constant noise of life, and listen to their bodies' intuitive nature. Her goal is to empower individuals to tap into their body's innate wisdom and find balance, both physically and mentally.


Exercise Tech Intern, 2016
Steps to Wellness Rehab Gym Burlington,VT

Adult ballet instructor, 2016-2017
South End Studios Burlington, VT

Movement Therapy Intern, 2018
Prime 360 Wellness Auburn, ME

Licensed Massage Therapist, 2019-2022
Hara Holistic Bodycenter Portland, ME

Owner and Licensed Massage Therapist, 2022-Present
Empowered Massage and Movement Portland, ME


Bachelor of Exercise and Movement Science, 2016 
University of Vermont

Certificate in Massage Therapy, 2018
U.S. Career Institute

Certificate in Sports Massage, 2020
American Massage Therapy Association