The Form Lab Policies

  1. Appointment-based services (Personal Training, FST, Nutrition Coaching, and Massage)

    • Cancellation policy:  The studio must be notified no less than 24 hours in advance of any appointment.  Failure to cancel will result in incurring 100% of the cost of the appointment.  

    • Notes on notification method:  Valid methods of notification are:

  2. Group classes

    • Cancellation policy:  all group class registrations can be canceled no less than 8 hours prior to the start of the scheduled class (ie. a 6am class can be canceled up until 10pm the night prior).  Failure to cancel prior to this window will result in loss of the class credit (for drop-in pass or Bronze members) or a $12 cancellation fee (for Silver/Gold members).

    • Cancellation methods:  

    • Cancellation is most straightforward via our mobile app, see links below.
      Apple App Store:
      Android / Google Play Store:

    • If necessary, call or email the studio to cancel.

  3. Session & class arrival/departure

    • All sessions and classes start at HH:00 (on the hour) and end promptly at HH:55 (five minutes before the hour). Please honor the appointment end time to allow for your trainer/coach to set up for the next session/class and allow those clients to enter promptly.

    • All clients awaiting a class or session must wait in the lobby for their trainer to bring them into the gym space. This allows clients to leave on time and your session/class to start promptly on time as well as for staff to make sure the gym is.

    • We do not offer open gym time for the safety of our clients and to ensure we have sufficient space and equipment for group classes and personal training clients. As such, please do not use equipment before or after your session or class time.

  4. Group class memberships

    • All memberships are set up on a recurring monthly basis and are on auto-pay.

    • There are no initiation or cancellation fees,

    • To cancel your membership, or switch from one membership to another, we require 7 business days before your next scheduled autopay date.

    • We do not put memberships ‘on hold’ or charge a fee for this, instead, if you will not be able to use your membership for an extended period of time, we encourage you to cancel your membership and rejoin when you can make full use of it.

    • Class credits  do not carry over from month to month and cannot be transferred between clients.

  5. Drop-in group classes

    • Pricing differs between class types, as  does the group class size.

    • Late cancellations (canceling with less than 8 hours notice, or no-show) will result in loss of the  drop-in class credit.

    • We do not offer class packs.

  6. Clients under age 18

    • For clients 14-17 years old, we allow unaccompanied participation in any of our classes or services, however, a legal parent/guardian must sign the liability waiver.

    • For clients under 14 years old, we require the child to be accompanied by a legal parent/guardian at all times. The legal parent or guardian must also sign the liability waiver prior to using the facilities at The Form Lab.

  7. Personal training

    • All personal training clients must first meet with a trainer for a free consultation prior to starting personal training sessions.

    • Clients may reserve the ability to train 1:1 without a partner. If another client asks to join as a partner, the decision rests with both the original client and trainer.

    • When personal trainers are out or on vacation, we will make every effort to find a substitute trainer and will notify clients ahead of time to give the the option to keep or cancel the appointment.

    • We do not allow new bookings less than 24 hours in advance of the appointment time so that the trainer can adequately prepare each individual’s personal training programs.

    • We do not allow new clients to be brought to personal training sessions w/o trainer approval. Each client needs their own consultation prior to the first personal training session.

    • Each personal training client is responsible for booking and canceling/changing their own appointments, We cannot honor scheduling requests from friends, family, or training partners.

  8. Be nice!

    • We love our clients and staff and are here to support and empower our community.

    • Any client who disrespects a staff or client(s) will be asked to leave immediately.

    • We reserve the right to refuse entry or services to anyone if we feel it negatively impacts our staff or clientele's safety or integrity in any way.